Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lesson 2...

Master Yuli Romo came carrying a paper bag of boiled plantains at passed 10 AM and he gave me 1. I asked Arnold Narzo the address of their Binondo, Manila gym and he told me that even he told me, it's difficult to find because it's hidden and they practice from 5 PM to 8PM. Sometimes, their practice reaches 10 PM to 12 AM. He told me I will have difficulty going home since I live in Dasmariñas, Cavite.

At passed 10:30 AM, Arnold taught us (I'm with my fellow beginner- Sherwin) the basics with the rattan sticks: The Arko which is the swing to the head like in an arc shape while at the same time, your empty hand (the thumb is hidden) is blocking away in a counter-clockwise motion if it is a left empty hand and clockwise if it is a right empty hand. Also he taught us the Real (pronounced ri-yal) which is the swing from side to side while targeting the head. He told us not to make a spurt (buwelo) with the stick but just immediately strike it. Also he taught us the Anggulo, Plantsada and Aldabes which I mentioned in my last post. Real and Anggulo looks the same but the difference is that Real is targeting the top of the head of your opponent (same with Arko) while the Anggulo is targetting the temple or the neck. I made a mistake with the swing. Since Arnold was in the long range position facing me, I should have made a full rotational swing with Arko and Real. Arnold told us that we should just make it slow. The important thing is we get the right form. Speed will come later when we get used to the techniques. Arnold says that we should practice with a big mirror so we could see if we are doing the right form. I carried a shorter and thicker rattan sticks this morning compared to Sherwin's longer and thinner rattan stick. During our demo, he keeps moving to his right corner where I am near and able to hit me accidentally on my left elbow. I'm gonna get a longer stick. I always keep extending my weapon when I try to reach Arnold's stick and he tells me that I shouldn't over-extend. He always tells us to relax everytime we try hard to get the technique. He told us that when we hit with a rattan stick, it should always be with the tip because if it is with the body of the stick, it will easily shatter as you frequently use it in sparring practice. Arnold left after passed 12 PM. He has some agenda to attend to.

Some things I forgot to mention on my last post:

*The Atrakada (attracting) which is the forward movement of the feet.

*The hold that they call susi (Tagalog word for "key") or it's like your hold with a door key. It's similar with how the fictional character - Zatoichi (the blind masseur) hold his sword cane in a ready-attacking position.

*That I should just slide and not jump when doing a forward or backward movement (Ma'am Peachie told me this morning and last week). It's because my Adidas shoes are already broken that's why I'm reluctant to do a sliding motion. Now, my socks get wet when it rains that's why I don't want to brush them on concrete floor when walking or running.

* The abierta - the open guard stance similar to boxing

* The serrada - the closed guard stance

During practice with Ma'am Peachie Baron Saguin at passed 12 PM, I used my 2 unsharpened swords where the 4 of us (including 2 new comers- who are the brothers Arthur and Arjay). I sparred with Sherwin using my sword and dagger blades (the dagger is not sharp). I'm having difficulty swinging my swords at that time because of their heavy weights (20 ounces each, hurt my thumbs) that's why Ma'am Peachie told me to reduce it to 10 ounces next time. She said that's the ideal weight of sword I could carry. She told us to bring sunglasses next time, in case our sparring partner hits our eyes, they would be safe. I made a mistake with my feet when doing the forward and backward movements. Sometimes I'm like "walking on a thread" as Ma'am Peachie calls it because I'm trying to twist my hips as she always orders me to do. Ma'am Peachie said she likes my form now and she's really happy that she's my first teacher in the org. Hehe... Before she left, I asked Ma'am Peachie some questions:

1. How long will it take for us to master all the techniques?
- She told me that it depends on us.... I think that's a safe answer from her.

2. Can I use 2 baseball bats during practice as substitutes for eskrima sticks?
-She asked me why. I told her for long range (34-36 inches) and the bat has more stopping power. She told me I'm wrong because just like what I showed today during practice with my heavy swords that I had wielding difficulty, that would be the same with the baseball bats even if they are lightweight. She also said the size of a baseball bat is not enough for the long range in this FMA style which is a 44 inches stick.

Ma'am Peachie left at passed 2 PM. She passed the teaching to Anton.

Now the problem that I got with Anton (not only with him but the rest of the instructors) is his teachings are always different than the rest. Like with the Aldabes, his form ends where the stick is leaning on the shoulder while last week, Anthony taught me that at Aldabes, the end form is with the sword or stick pointing to your opponent's eyes. They also have different stances. Like I mentioned on my last blog: Anthony's stance is where the feet are widely separated, Ma'am Peachie's stance is the feet are near each other and the back foot should always face your opponent (feels like pigeon-toed), Arnold's stance is you should always feel that your gravity or body weight is in the center position.

*They always tell you the correct forms (raise your arm, it should be in center near your chest, etc.) but in a real street fight where there are no forms or rules, usually they won't work. I mean, your opponent wouldn't care if you're doing the right form or not. He'll just slash or stab you in any way he pleases... It's like they are complaining that the food they ordered in a restaurant is not pleasing to their eyes. That as if the food will still look the same inside their stomachs when they chew and swallow it.

Just a few moments after Ma'am Peachie left and Anton was teaching us, Grandmaster Tony Diego and Master Yuli Romo had a heated argument. GM Tony is saying Master Yuli is teaching Balintawak style of Arnis during the practice and he told him to get lost. He told us this is not the first time it happened. There are many times where he sees his actions- disrespecting Tatang Antonio Ilustrisimo saying he's too old to fight, that he's including other FMA techniques in the system, that Master Yuli was just watching when GM Tony and Master Christopher Ricketts are sparring and Master Yuli is teaching Arnis to his wife under a tree, and that Master Yuli couldn't make a decent punch. GM Tony told us that even his students in Makati left him because of his teaching attitude. The other thing that GM Tony is resenting that day is Master Yuli didn't ask his permission to teach Balintawak style of Eskrima. GM Tony cited one example when the son of legendary Momoy Cañete wants to teach San Miguel style of Eskrima to GM Tony's students, he asked GM Tony's permission. Apparently, all the things that happened between the 2 of them in the past accumulated inside GM Tony and it just bursts out from him today. I think GM Tony is just after the purity of the system. It's quite embarrassing to see GM Tony yelling while other visitors in the park saw what happened. Master Yuli didn't fight back and a senior student just tap him on his back and probably tell him to just go home. Btw, these are what Master Yuli looks like.

I kinda like how he wields the Kampilan...:

I'd like to be taught from him with that since I'm planning to buy that sword. He also designs and sells wooden Filipino swords and Karambit. Too bad, now he's fired in the org... I think it goes with the Chinese idiom: One Mountain Cannot Contain Two Tigers. Meaning: an area cannot have 2 very strong personalities leading it.

When I look at GM Tony, I keep wondering why he looks so poor? I mean, most grandmasters of martial arts in the US are big time as I have read on the internet. I think the instructors are in disguise of their true wealth.

Anyway, this is how I looked like today. My red headband really helped absorbing the sweat on my head during practice.

This is the picture of a father and son (don't know their names), also members of the group practicing the drills at the time GM Tony is explaining his sides of the argument. 

I wish I learn this art at the same age as this kid. I might also be a master by now. I think I was about that kid's age when I learned the trumpet. 

Ma'am Peachie said (also Anthony told me last week) that they are planning to publish another book. I got my copy of the first book the other day in FullyBooked The Fort, Taguig City.

I went out the park around passed 2:30 PM to go to Starbucks Tomas Morato Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. I arrived there at 4:30 PM after riding LRT-1 and MRT.